Conditional counting in kibana


we early use qlikview to do some aggregations like

Count(Distinct IF((Tier = 'Tier 1' AND AGGR(Count({$<Week= week1>}SiteID), ClusterCode, Week) >= 6) OR (Tier = 'Tier 2' AND AGGR(Count({$<Week= week1>}SiteID), ClusterCode, Week) >= 5) )

something like field tier=tier 1 and get the count by clustercode,week and it should be >= 6 then only count

But we want achieve same thing in Kibana, Actually we tried using Timeline but not able to figure it out
Please help us on this


I'm not following along with your question very well. Maybe you could post a sample of a simple set of data to illustrate your question?

Is your issue about grouping data by specific weekly buckets? Do you already have a week field in your data? Or is that what you're trying to solve?

I also don't understand the >=6. Is 6 the week number or the count of something?


ok, in words get the weekly count whose (Tier value in 'Tier1' and group by clustercode whose count should be >=6)

means(for this week how many clustercode falls in tier1 should be >=6 than only count that as one document) and so on we need to add 3 different conditions with logical OR and get the distinct count.

y-axis=counts based on above condition


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