Conditional counts on subbuckets

I want to get the counts of nested groups which satisfy a certain condition.
Consider the following:

DELETE usagestats
PUT usagestats/test/1
  "user-id": "abc",
  "session-id": "abc-1",
  "action": "A123"

PUT usagestats/test/2
  "user-id": "abc",
  "session-id": "abc-2",
  "action": "A123"

PUT usagestats/test/3
  "user-id": "xyz",
  "session-id": "xyz-1",
  "action": "A123"

PUT usagestats/test/4
  "user-id": "xyz",
  "session-id": "xyz-1",
  "action": "A123"

PUT usagestats/test/5
  "user-id": "abc",
  "session-id": "abc-2",
  "action": "Z789"

I want to tell tell, how many returning user ( session-ids >= 2 ) triggered a specific action ( action = "A123" ) on Mon., Thu., Wed...
Therefore I am interessted in the count of a specific "action"s on a timeline if a given "user-id" that has at least 2 distinct "session-id"s.

My approach:

  1. create a bucket for each "user-id"

    GET usagestats/test/_search?
    "aggs" : {
    "test" : {
    "terms" : { "field" : "user-id.keyword" }

But how do I go on from here??

  1. consider only buckets having at least 2 distinct "session-ids" vs. consider only buckets having exactly 1 distinct "session-ids".
  2. consider only buckets having a least one document matching (action: "A123")
  3. the aggregate count of remaining documents in a time-histogram

Thanks alot!

The bucket-selector did the trick:

GET usagestats/test/_search?
                  "script":"params.sessions > 1"

The selection of the bucket works, but it does not satisfy my use-case.

It returns:

"buckets": [
	"key": "abc-1",
	"doc_count": 2
	"key": "abc-2",
	"doc_count": 1

But I do not want the aggration as a result (i.e. "doc_count": 2) , but all documents:

"buckets": [
	"session-id": "abc-1",
	"action": "A123"
	"session-id": "abc-2",
	"action": "Z789"
	"session-id": "abc-2",
	"action": "A123"

Can I achive this using multi-aggregations??

Have you considered the top_hits aggregation? It can show you the documents in each bucket:

GET usagestats/test/_search
  "size": 0,
  "aggs": {
    "user": {
      "terms": {
        "field": "user-id.keyword"
      "aggs": {
        "session": {
          "terms": {
            "field": "session-id.keyword"
          "aggs": {
            "documents": {
              "top_hits": {
                "size": 10
        "session_filter": {
          "bucket_selector": {
            "buckets_path": {
              "sessions": "session._bucket_count"
            "script": "params.sessions > 1"

Looks promising, indeed! Thank you very much.

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