Configure Shield with Puppet

I am using puppet to build out my elasticsearch and I've got it mostly configure by following the documentation in the puppet forge elasticsearch site. One thing that I've noticed is the lack of documentation on being able to configure the Shield plugin with puppet. There is documentation and I can use puppet to get the Shield plugin installed, but I would like to also leverage puppet to configure shield files such as role_mapping, roles, users, etc. Does anyone have any idea to do this? I'm still fairly new in terms of puppet

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Hi megaforce

i've integrated kibana, logstash and elasticsearch on my environment with puppet.

I created many sentences "exec" for each configuration on my manifest, for example:

exec {'exec_install_kibana_shield':
command => "${elk::params::LN_WWW}/${elk::params::DIR_KIBANA}/${elk::params::KIBANA_SHIELD}",
user => 'root',
unless => "ls ${elk::params::KIBANA_INSTALLED_PLUGINS}/${elk::params::SHIELD_PLUGIN_KIBANA}",
notify => Service['service_kibana'],

I'm use the hiera on my puppet infraestructure.

The sort names are definited on my yaml files, example:

KIBANA_INSTALLED_PLUGINS: '/var/www/kibana/installedPlugins'
DIR_PLUGIN_LICENSE: '/usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins/license'

I hope that help you.