Connection pool in elasticsearch kibana


Good day.

Need help on connection pooling.

We have onboard application of type Java and dependency with mango DB. Successfully sending APM and transaction data to elastic from application. Able to view data in kibana. Sometimes we see timeout errors.

We use - elastic version 8. Elastic cluster hosted on-premise.

Is connection pool available for applications in elasticsearch ?

Where can we set it or where can we see conection pool data in elastic ?

I believe all official clients make use of connection pools as using long running connections is recommended when interacting with Elasticsearch. This includes Elastic applications interacting with Elasticsearch, e.g. Beats, Kibana and Logstash.

If you are seeing timeouts in Kibana it is likely does to performance problems in Elasticsearch or the use of it. What is the size and specification of your Elasticsearch cluster? What type of hardware and storage are you using? What is the full output of the cluster stats API?


I can explain my requirement clearly here.

My application is Java spring boot hosted on PCF.

The default connection pool and number of connections which is from spring boot, we kept same and using. We use mangoDB as a dependency fory application.

Now I would like to see for last 5 mins how many of connection pools used, howany idle?

My application will make 500 request perinute.

How can I see or visualise connection pool data ?

I do not think the client keeps track of this.

In elastic we have topic called JMX configuration.
With attribute capture_jmax_meyrics. I tried to add field with defination
object_name[ java.lang.*,]

But in my elastic there is no object_name available?

How can we achieve it ? Can some one help here