Constructing a FunctionScoreQuery using NEST

I want to construct a query equivalent to the following JSON

  "function_score": {
    "script_score": {
      "script": "doc['some-field'].value"

However, when I use the following code

var q = new FunctionScoreQuery
    Query = new ScriptScoreQuery
        Script = new InlineScript($"doc['some-field'].value"),
        IsVerbatim = true,
    IsVerbatim = true

It gets

  "function_score": {
    "query": {
      "script_score": {
        "script": "doc['some-field'].value"

which I post it to an ES instance and it gets error.
I checked FunctionScoreQuery and find nowhere to put the ScriptScoreQuery. So how can I get what I want?

I find out what I want is equivalent to

  "function_score": {
    "functions": [
        "script_score": {
          "script": {
            "source": "doc['some-field'].value"

So I use

var q = new FunctionScoreQuery
    Functions = new List<IScoreFunction>
        new ScriptScoreFunction
            Script = new InlineScript($"doc['{field.FieldName}'].value"),

to construct the query and get what I want.

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