We're evaluating ElasticSearch for our use-case where customer can search over a data repository with multiple topics. Sometimes the user will select a topic to filter the results and sometimes he might want to query all topics.
Let's assume a topic is identified by a string which we can use as context.
Let's assume a topic is identified by a string which we can use as context.
We're going with separate index per topic.
I see lot of forum topics around multiple indices with different schema but din't find any reference for same schema.
I see lot of forum topics around multiple indices with different schema but din't find any reference for same schema.
With multiple indices, does the context suggester natively support searching suggestions and sorting results correctly across all indices or sorting needs to be done at application level.
Within a single topic, we have other contexts to filter by like username etc. However, we'd also want to be able to query without any context at all.
I see that this capability has been deprecated in ES due to latency considerations. One workaround I was thinking of was to add a dummy context (like topicName) which is the same for every record in the index.
Is there a more cleaner way to achieve this use-case ?
Also, it forces me to use _msearch API because the suggest query to every index will be different since I have to provide separate topicId for query to every index. -
Does having multiple indices slow down queries considerably (due to routing concerns) compared to having a single large index ?
We're choosing multiple indices because the size of repository for all topics can be hundreds of terabytes.