Contributing guide instructions in master branch don't work

NodeJS 8.11.4,, tag v6.4.2

I follow the contribution guide and do

git clone
cd kibana
git checkout v6.4.2
yarn kbn bootstrap

and get

yarn run v1.9.4
$ node scripts/kbn bootstrap
Running [bootstrap] command from [/media/trex/safe1/Development/siren/kibana_6_4]:

[bootstrap] failed:

CliError: [test_plugin] depends on [@elastic/eslint-config-kibana] using
'link:', but the path is wrong. Update its package.json to the expected value

Additional debugging info:

   actual: "@elastic/eslint-config-kibana": "link:../../kibana/packages/eslint-config-kibana"
   expected: "@elastic/eslint-config-kibana": "link:../../kibana_6_4/packages/eslint-config-kibana"
   package: test_plugin (/media/trex/safe1/Development/siren/kibana-extra/test_plugin/package.json)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

Also, I tried to clean all this yarn kbn clean and got the same error.

I tried it before and it worked. Why doesn't it work now? How to fix it?

Strange, I deleted everything inside node_modules and optimize/bundles and got the same error. But now it works after I deleted kibana folder and cloned it again. Why?

New problem related to the contribution guide, now I can't run ES

trex@cave:~/Development/kibana$ yarn es snapshot --license oss
yarn run v1.9.4
$ node scripts/es snapshot --license oss
 info  Installing from snapshot
   │ info  version: 6.4.2
   │ info  install path: /media/trex/safe1/Development/siren/kibana/.es/6.4.2
   │ info  license: oss
   │ info  downloading from
   │ERROR  Unhandled error
   │ERROR  Error: Not Found
   │           at Promise (/media/trex/safe1/Development/siren/kibana/packages/kbn-es/src/install/snapshot.js:92:25)
   │           at new Promise (<anonymous>)
   │           at fetch.then.res (/media/trex/safe1/Development/siren/kibana/packages/kbn-es/src/install/snapshot.js:85:7)
   │           at <anonymous>
   │           at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.


You could try doing an rm -rf ./node_modules in your .es directory. After that, do a yarn install in the ../es directory. When it's finished, try running the snapshot again.

I'm not sure what's causing the specific issue in your case but this may clear it up!


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