Convert gb mb kb to bytes

The below script works fine only if there is no whitespace in the data. Firstly, example 20mb, 2gb. it works fine. What if 20 mb or 2 gb. Secondly, what if the given data itself is in bytes, how do i include that?```

split the "store" into number, units prefix, and units base
grok {
# would like to put store_units_prefix and store_units_base in @metadata, too
match => { "store" => "^%{BASE10NUM:[@metadata][store_number]:float}(?<store_units_prefix>[kKmMgGtT])(?<store_units_base>[b])$" }
mutate {
add_field => {
"[@metadata][store_units_prefix]" => "%{store_units_prefix}"
"[@metadata][store_units_base]" => "%{store_units_base}"
remove_field => [ "store_units_prefix", "store_units_base" ]
if [@metadata][store_units_prefix] == "k" or [@metadata][store_units_prefix] == "K" {
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][store_multiplier]" => 1024 } }
} else if [@metadata][store_units_prefix] == "m" or [@metadata][store_units_prefix] == "M" {
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][store_multiplier]" => 1048576 } }
} else if [@metadata][store_units_prefix] == "g" or [@metadata][store_units_prefix] == "G" {
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][store_multiplier]" => 1073741824 } }
} else if [@metadata][store_units_prefix] == "t" or [@metadata][store_units_prefix] == "T" {
mutate { add_field => { "[@metadata][store_multiplier]" => 1099511627776 } }

I don't know how to specify type in mutate.add_field, so I convert it

mutate {
    convert => { "[@metadata][store_multiplier]" => "integer" }

create a new field with the size in bytes

ruby {
    code => "event['store_size'] = event['@metadata']['store_number']*event['@metadata']['store_multiplier']"

It's a lot easier to read code/config if you format it using the </> button, or markdown style back ticks.

Perhaps the third-party units filter plugin would be helpful?

I did not get that. What do you mean?

I dont see any units filter plugin in the

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