Convert java query output in json format

Hi all,
can someone help get my java query output in json format im just printing it in line and now i want to upgrade my code output tried multiple ways but no luck.
Below is my code elasticsearch java api code.

 try {
            var sub3TermAggregation = new Aggregation.Builder()
                    .sum(new SumAggregation.Builder()

            var sub4Aggregation = new Aggregation.Builder()
                    .terms(new TermsAggregation.Builder()
                            //   .order(List.of("_key", SortOrder.Desc))
                    .aggregations("3", sub3TermAggregation)

            var aggregation = new Aggregation.Builder()
                    .terms(new TermsAggregation.Builder()
                            //     .order(List.of("_key", SortOrder.Desc))
                    .aggregations("4", sub4Aggregation)

            var boolquery = BoolQuery
                    .of(b -> b.filter(Query
                            .of(q -> q.range(RangeQuery
                                    .of(r -> r.field("@timestamp")
                            )).filter(f -> f.queryString(QueryStringQuery.of(qs -> qs
            var query = Query.of(q -> q.bool(boolquery));

            var searchRequest = new SearchRequest.Builder()
                    .aggregations("2", aggregation)

            var response =, Void.class);

            var aggs2 = response.aggregations().get("2");
            if (Objects.nonNull(aggs2)) {
                var buckets = aggs2.sterms().buckets().array();
                for (StringTermsBucket bucket : buckets) {
                    var subAggs4 = bucket.aggregations().get("4");
                    subAggs4.sterms().buckets().array().forEach(agg3Bucket -> {
                        System.out.println(bucket.key() + bucket.docCount() + "," +
                                agg3Bucket.key() + agg3Bucket.docCount() + "," + agg3Bucket.aggregations().get("3").sum().value());



        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

And here is the example output of query. it is printing like client_id,job_id,sum_count


And now i want to upgarde my code for future updates for eg. like make a csv of output. and for that output should be json.

Here the json example im trying to archive from my code.

  "result": [
      "client_id": "24311",
      "job_id": "5660901",      
      "sum_count": "1428.0"
      "client_id": "24311",
      "job_id": "5660931",      
      "sum_count": "1428.0"
       "client_id": "24311",
      "job_id": "5660901",      
      "sum_count": "1428.0"

Can someone take a look into this it would be very great. if there is anything req. pls let me know.

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