How to convert this into java api?

I have this type of Json and i want to convert into java

GET /vehicletracking1/indictranstechevents/_search?size=1000
  "query": {
    "bool": {
      "should": [
        { "match": { "vehicleid":  "ae493de8-09c7-4afc-9591-9cf67aeba82e" }},
        { "match": { "vehicleid":  "b0b19a98-7ae8-4505-8173-a628d371b51e" }}

How i convert into java api?

Please format your code.

Did you see:

its already in format. Its working fine in json but i don't know how to work this in java api?Please Guide to me

No it's not.

I'm updating your post to show you how it should be when you click on </> icon.

I think you will see the difference.

What did you do so far in Java?

I want multiple match query with or operator using java api.
can you help out?

i already done this
QueryBuilder qbr = QueryBuilders.orQuery(
QueryBuilders.matchQuery("vehicleid", "1a7e8681-215d-4831-82d5-7307a3172e6"),
QueryBuilders.matchQuery("vehicleid", "b0b19a98-7ae8-4505-8173-a628d371b51e")

But its not working fine.
Its give list of last vehicle id.
i want both vehicle id details.

What is your mapping?

thank you now its working fine. i how problem on my data side.
@dadoonet thank you so much for reply