Convert Kibana Visualize to elasticsearch dsl

Kibana Visualize internally use _msearch,How to convert a Kibana Visualize to elasticsearch _msearch dsl.

Hello! If you view a visualisation in the Visualise editor or in Dashboard you should be able to access the "Inspect" fly out. If you switch from "Data" to "Requests" as in the screenshot you should see the full query being run to retrieve the data for the visualisation.

Does that answer your question?

Thanks for your answers.
In the older version of Kibana, I can get _msearch request body from chrome network develop tool.
Can we just use a visualize name to get final response without visiting kibana.
I use kibana visualize to observe server log state

I use lots of visualization, currently, first using _mget fetch visState,then using _msearch to get finally response data, which are verbose and easily faulting.

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