I'm getting the error:
query_parsing_exception: failed to parse [START_OBJECT]. malformed query, expected a [START_ARRAY] while parsing functions but got a [function_score] instead
The documentation for gauss / location inside function_score doesn't specify the stdClass / array structure needed.
Here is the PHP for the object being built:
I think the problem starts at the function_score section.
I replaced a 'filtered' / 'filter' section and a 'sort' section to implement distance scoring.
// search by location and match
// alt param body build
if ($latitude && $longitude) {
$scaleVal = $radius+1;
$location = new \stdClass();
$location->origin = new \stdClass();
$location->origin->lat = $latitude;
$location->origin->lon = $longitude;
$location->offset = $radius . $distance_units;
$location->scale = $scaleVal . $distance_units;
$params['body'] = array(
'aggs' => $aggregationParam,
'query' => array(
'function_score' => array(
'functions' => array(
array('gauss' => $location)
Is there documentation for the PHP side that covers this?
Somewhere that has close examples?
I have taken a look at the documentation at
and also found this:
What I am updating:
$params['body'] = [
'aggs' => $aggregationParam,
'query' => [
'filtered' => [
"query" => $query,
"filter" => [
"geo_distance" => [
"distance" => $radius . $distance_units,
"site_addresses.lat_lon" => [
"lat" => $latitude,
"lon" => $longitude
sort by distance
"sort" => [
"_geo_distance" => [
"site_addresses.lat_lon" => [
"lat" => $latitude,
"lon" => $longitude
"order" => "asc",
"unit" => $distance_units,
"distance_type" => "plane"