Corrupt index removal

I've a small index that contains only a time stamp on a three node ES deployment.
However its stuck initializing and there are no allocated secondary's.
As the data in this index is unimportant I planed to just remove it and recreate the index.
However I was unable to delete this index

[2023-11-15T13:37:04,385][DEBUG][o.e.a.a.i.d.TransportDeleteIndexAction] [masterserver1] failed to delete indices [[[mysmallindex/2GqYWer0T4igq8FNVKSnkA]]]
org.elasticsearch.cluster.metadata.ProcessClusterEventTimeoutException: failed to process cluster event (delete-index [[mysmallindex/2GqYWer0T4igq8FNVKSnkA]]) within 30s

I tried the delete command with a time out of 120 with the same result.

Any advice on how to remove a index/shard which is initializing welcomed. I am not concerned about data loss in this situation.


What is the full output of the cluster stats API? What is the size and specification of the cluster?

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