Could not initialize class org.elasticsearch.ElasticsearchException at org.elasticsearch.client.RestHighLevelClient.performClientRequest( ~[elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client-7.17.10.jar:7.17.10]

I have an Elasticsearch exception I have created a simple API where I am using the reactive mongo repository to find the data from the DB and I am trying to send this data to Elasticsearch which save operation one by one. So could you please tell the issue.

@Bean(name = ["highLevelClient"], destroyMethod = "close")
fun client(): RestHighLevelClient? {
val restBuilder: RestClientBuilder = RestClient
if ((username != null) and (password != null)) {
val creadential: CredentialsProvider = BasicCredentialsProvider()
creadential.setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password))
restBuilder.setHttpClientConfigCallback { httpClientBuilder ->
restBuilder.setRequestConfigCallback { requestConfigBuilder: RequestConfig.Builder ->
requestConfigBuilder.setConnectTimeout(connectionTimeOut.toInt()) // time until a connection with the server is established.
.setSocketTimeout(socketTimeOut.toInt()) // time of inactivity to wait for packets[data] to receive.
} // time to fetch a connection from the connection pool 0 for infinite.
return RestHighLevelClient(restBuilder)
return null

this is my configuration to set up Elasticsearch.

Please tell me if you want any other code.

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Also provide the full stacktrace please.

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