Could not retrieve data randomly

I have a cluster with 3 physical servers and elasticsearch 1.2.3 installed.

I updated some data at yestoday and then today I got a strange issue:

I query data as following:

"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"applicationDateRouting.patentDocumentId": "11387107"
"must_not": [],
"should": []
"from": 0,
"size": 10,
"sort": [],
"facets": {}

then I could get the expected one row data at the first time, then I query
again, I will get nothing as following response:


  • took: 40
  • timed_out: false
  • _shards: {
    • total: 10
    • successful: 10
    • failed: 0
  • hits: {
    • total: 0
    • max_score: null
    • hits: [ ]


then, I query again, I get one row, again, nothing, again, one row, again,

In my application, we are using filter instead of query and we got the same
issue as above.

It seems a bug of elasticsearch, is there any idea about how to analyze
this issue?

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Is there anybody can help me with this issue?

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I need help about this, help!!!

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additional information:

The replica factor of my index is 1, which means there are only 2 copies in
the cluster.

Since I can get the data every 2 times, I guess that there is one missing
copy, but how can I confirm it?

The cluster health api resports green.

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Now I finally confirmed that it is a flappy item issue which had been
before: Redirecting to Google Groups

but it apears in version 1.2.3

Is there any advise about this issue? I am also interest in that whether
there is an internal mechanism in elasticsearch to avoid this situation?


在 2014年10月14日星期二UTC+9下午12时43分17秒,xzer LR写道:

additional information:

The replica factor of my index is 1, which means there are only 2 copies
in the cluster.

Since I can get the data every 2 times, I guess that there is one missing
copy, but how can I confirm it?

The cluster health api resports green.

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