Create a job from a model imported with Eland


I would like to know if it is possible to create a machine learning job from an external model that I imported into Elastic platform using Eland.

If so, how I can run that job each hour thus ingesting the data from an elasticsearch index A and storing the prediction outputs in an index B.

Otherwise, it is possible to create an inference processor with this model and then use it in an ingestion pipeline? Which could be an option for data ingestion in this case? like data pushed with logstash each hour?

In other words, I would like to do a full integration of my model in the elastic platform, to be consumed using elastic mechanisms and storing its output using elastic storage. I want to avoid the use of some external python scripts, etc.

If you have a valid architecture and procedures for doing this I will really appreciate it!

Thank a lot for your kind help!

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