Create a query for which a result field is contained in the query text


I have the following problem: I would like to create a query in
ElasticSearch for which a field of the result should be contained in the
query text.

Example Query:

"city_name":"Not related Text plus Wil AG"

"_index": "cities",
"_type": "city",
"_id": "z61KRT6QR32dTniAn0_ApQ",
"_score": 6.063552,
"_source": {
"country": "CH",
"city_name": "Birmenstorf AG"

I would like to define in the query that the field "city_name" of the
result (Birmenstorf AG) has to be contained in the query text (Not related
Text plus Wil AG) o be a match.

Can I do this with ElasticSearch?

Thanks a lot for your help.


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