Create indices which span multiple spaces in Kibana 6.5.1


Is it possible to have the indices in Elasticsearch 6.5.1 be available in all spaces in Kibana 6.5.1 by default?

I want a master space where all users except admins can create dashboards with core KPI graphs, but I also want a playground space where most users can create their own dashboards and visualisations and explore the data as much as they wont. These spaces should have access to the same data - same indices.

Indices get generated automatically in a high volume, so manually assigning them to all spaces is not an option.

Thanks for the answer!

It is not currently possible to have saved objects span multiple spaces. You will have to copy the index-pattern between the various spaces at the moment.

You can create a feature request to track this feature.


That's too bad, but thank you for the quick answer, looking forward to that feature :grinning:


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