Create Kibana vizualiation based on keywords matched from message column

I know it's very easy to create visualizations based on predefined columns, but I wonder what is the proper way to create visualization based on some words from messages? Please share any useful guidance or tip about this

Could you provide some sample messages and a general idea of the output you're looking for?

Thanks @mattkime, this is mostly fluend stuff, but probably you have an idea how to deal with this.

Below is a fluend grok filter which creates additional fields: app_timestamp, app_log_level, app_message.
What I'd like to have is additionally parsed app_message field which seems to be json+raw data. So as a result it would be possible to create visualization based on values legalForm, legalName, from field app_message

<filter kubernetes.**>
    #@id filter_parser
    @type parser
    key_name log
    reserve_data true
    reserve_time true
      @type grok
      grok_failure_key grokfailure
        pattern %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:app_timestamp}" level\=%{DATA:app_log_level} msg\=%{GREEDYDATA:app_message}

app_message field example:

Create data draft in db: DatasetDraftVO(id=d57f73fc547f, datasetVO=null, entityId=legalEntityId, datasetVersion=1, data=VerifiableCredential(contexts=[,], id=le_cd_1, types=[VerifiableCredential,credentialSubject={"corporateData":{"bylaws":{"value":""},"language":{"value":"English"},"legalForm":{"value":"Private limited company"},"legalName":{"value":"CompanyName1"},"companyEmail":{"value":""},"companyWebsite":{"value":""},"country":{"value":"France"},"mailbox":{"value":"444"},"zipCode":{"value":"2000"}} proofs=null), draftStatus=DRAFT)

There's a large number of ways this data could be visualized. Do you want to see a graph of documents over time?

If you'd like to browse some ideas you can look at kibana sample data -

Thank you, @mattkime, should I parse below string into separate fields further in order to have option to create a dashboard based on keywords like

Create data draft in db: DatasetDraftVO(id=d57f73fc547f, datasetVO=null, entityId=legalEntityId, datasetVersion=1, data=VerifiableCredential(contexts=[,], id=le_cd_1, types=[VerifiableCredential,credentialSubject={"corporateData":{"bylaws":{"value":""},"language":{"value":"English"},"legalForm":{"value":"Private limited company"},"legalName":{"value":"CompanyName1"},"companyEmail":{"value":""},"companyWebsite":{"value":""},"country":{"value":"France"},"mailbox":{"value":"444"},"zipCode":{"value":"2000"}} proofs=null), draftStatus=DRAFT)

Yes, I'd recommend that. Generally speaking its a good idea to think of Kibana as displaying elasticsearch queries - if you can simplify the query by doing some upfront data parsing you'll likely save yourself a lot of work further down the line.

ok, so without fluent or logstash there is no way to do this, is that correct?

There may be other solutions but they become increasingly difficult or inflexible. Perhaps a scripted field is worth considering -

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