Create visualization on kibana for one filed if the other filed is present in document

I have use case is to create the pie chart for "name" present in documents when documents has a "status" field available.

We have several documents in an index; for all documents, we have "name" available, but the "status" field is available for some of the documents. I have to create the pie chart for the "name" if the "status" field is present in documents. and status field value can be ["PASSED", "FAILED", "INPROGRESS]

documents format having only a name field.

"name": "RAMA",
"dateTime": "2023-12-28T16:52:33.859081",

Documents having name and status field

"name": "RAMA",
"dateTime": "2023-12-28T16:52:33.859081",

With Lens you can filter for when the field exists

Put this in the KQL search bar at the top of the viz

status: *

Then the visualization will only be on the set of docs filtered that have that field.

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