Creating cluster with the API


When I create a new cluster using the API, passing the json below, I get 201 status that it's been accepted but in ECE the deployment crashes with the error 'Cannot read property 'plan' of null'.

 'kibana': {'cluster_name': 'py_kib',
            'plan': {'cluster_topology': [{'instance_configuration_id': 'kibana',
                                           'zone_count': 1}],
                     'kibana': {'version': '6.4.0'},
                     'transient': {},
                     'zone_count': 2}},
 'plan': {'cluster_topology': [{'instance_configuration_id': 'data.default',
                                'node_type': {'data': True,
                                              'ingest': True,
                                              'master': True,
                                              'ml': False},
                                'zone_count': 1},
                               {'instance_configuration_id': 'data.highstorage',
                                'node_type': {'data': True,
                                              'ingest': True,
                                              'master': True,
                                              'ml': False},
                                'zone_count': 1}],
          'elasticsearch': {'curation': {'from_instance_configuration_id': 'data.default',
                                         'to_instance_configuration_id': 'data.highstorage'},
                            'version': '6.4.0'},
          'tiebreaker_topology': {'memory_per_node': 1024}},
 'settings': {'curation': {'specs': []}}}
TypeError: Cannot read property 'plan' of null
    at t.value (
    at dn (
    at Tn (
    at Yn (
    at Kn (
    at fr (
    at ur (
    at sr (
    at ir (
    at Jn (
    at Object.enqueueSetState (
    at l.i.setState (
    at l.onStateChange (
    at Object.notify (
    at e.notifyNestedSubs (
    at l.onStateChange (

I'm also getting this error...

{'errors': [{'code': 'root.invalid_json_request',
             'fields': ['plan.elasticsearch'],
             'message': 'JSON request does not comply with schema: [Object is '
                        "missing required member 'elasticsearch']"}]}

when I omit elasticsearch from the plan, even though it isn't required according to the API reference at so not sure if that should be required in the docs or I'm just misunderstanding something somewhere ( more likely :slight_smile: )

I'm on 2.0.0 if that makes a difference too.


Hey @JamesNotJamez

There are a few issues here:

  1. The plan you are submitting is missing the size (TopologySize) field in the cluster topology elements.

Try this instead (adjusting the values as necessary):

	"kibana": {
		"cluster_name": "py_kib",
		"plan": {
			"cluster_topology": [
					"instance_configuration_id": "kibana",
					"zone_count": 1,
					"size": {
						"value": 1024,
						"resource": "memory"
			"kibana": {
				"version": "6.4.0"
			"transient": {},
			"zone_count": 2
	"plan": {
		"cluster_topology": [
				"instance_configuration_id": "data.default",
				"node_type": {
					"data": true,
					"ingest": true,
					"master": true,
					"ml": false
				"zone_count": 1,
				"size": {
					"value": 1024,
					"resource": "memory"
				"instance_configuration_id": "data.highstorage",
				"node_type": {
					"data": true,
					"ingest": true,
					"master": false,
					"ml": false
				"zone_count": 1,
				"size": {
					"value": 1024,
					"resource": "memory"
		"elasticsearch": {
			"curation": {
				"from_instance_configuration_id": "data.default",
				"to_instance_configuration_id": "data.highstorage"
			"version": "6.4.0"
		"tiebreaker_topology": {
			"memory_per_node": 1024
	"settings": {
		"curation": {
			"specs": []
  1. The API gladly accepts this plan, because it is "partially" a valid way to downscale (terminate) a deployment. The issue that you've run into is a bug that has surfaced due to this partially correct plan not being properly handled by the UI. I've filed an issue for our team to fix -- but applying the corrected plan above should avoid this altogether.

  2. plan.elasticsearch is definitely a required field (as the error indicates). This is simply a bug in our documentation -- which we'll also fix, so thank you for pointing that out!

Let me know if this helps.


Thanks Greg, that's got it working now :grin:

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