Creating custom Kibana plugin in React

I want to create custom Kibana plugin in React rather than AngularJS. I have written a simple React component and imported it in my main file as

return VisFacory.createReactVisualization({
      visConfig: {
          component: ReactComponent;

My react component file is : 

import ....
class ReactComponent extends Component{
      return (
         <div>Simple react plugin</div>

Is this the correct way to go about it because I am getting an error stating

Uncaught Invariant Violation : Minified React error #200. What does the error signify?

Hi Mishal,

Some fixes:

Your ReactComponent should avoid ReactDOM.render and just export your component. So, it should looks like this:

import ....
export default class ReactComponent extends Component{
      return (
         <div>Simple react plugin</div>

Your component will be rendered by kibana for this reason you are specifying your component in visConfig. :slight_smile:

Hi, I implemented the react component as you mentioned. However I ran into another problem. Here are my files


import { CATEGORY } from 'ui/vis/vis_category';
import { VisFactoryProvider }  from 'ui/vis/vis_factory';
import {Schemas} from 'ui/vis/editors/default/schemas';
import {VisTypesRegistryProvider} from 'ui/registry/vis_types';
import {ReactComponent} from './vis/ReactComponent';

const MynewVisType = (Private) => {
    const visFactory = Private(VisFactoryProvider);
    return visFactory.createReactVisualization({
        name: 'ml_d3',
        title: 'D3',
        icon: 'fa fa-eye',
        description: 'Cool new d3 chart',

        category: CATEGORY.OTHER,
        visConfig: {
            component: ReactComponent

export default MynewVisType;


export default function(kibana){
    return new kibana.Plugin({


import React, {Component} from "react";
export default class ReactComponent extends Component{
      return (
         <div>Simple react plugin</div>


    "name": "d3kib",
    "main": "index.js",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "description": "Plugin to integrate d3 scripts",
    "kibana": {
        "version": "6.3.2"
    "dependencies": {
        "ansi-to-html": "0.6.4",
        "handlebars": "4.0.6",
        "lodash.escape": "4.0.1",
        "lodash.get": "4.4.2",
        "lodash.set": "4.3.2",
        "react": "16.0.0"

I am getting the error:

Is there something I might be missing? :slight_smile:

I'm not sure that your problem is it, but for kibana 6.3 you should use template: ReactComponent instead of component: ReactComponent (docs).

Actually, I'm using kibana 6.4 and writing plugins for it. I may not know some specific settings for kibana 6.3.

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