Curator 7 is failing to delete indices

We are using opensearch 1.2.4 (derived from Elasticsearch 7.10.2).
We could see in the curator release document that curator 7 will work with Elasticsearch 7.x and is functionally identical to 5.8.4 and uplifted curator version from 5.8.4 to 7.0.0.
We configured curator 7 actions like

*actions: |*
*  1:*
*    action: delete_indices*
*    description: Remove logs older than 1 week*
*    options:*
*      disable_action: false*
*      ignore_empty_list: true*
*    filters:*
*    - filtertype: age*
*      source: name*
*      direction: older*
*      timestring: '%Y.%m.%d'*
*      unit: days*
*      unit_count: 7*

But curator 7 is failing to delete the logs and printing the error msg like:

*{"extra_data":{"curator":{"function":"get_client","linenum":1067,"name":"curator.utils"}},"message":"Unable to connect to Elasticsearch cluster. Error: The client noticed that the server is not Elasticsearch and we do not support this unknown product","metadata":{"container_name":"curator","namespace":"zmanrao","pod_name":"eric-data-search-engine-curator-28100537-6slmg"},"service_id":"eric-data-search-engine-curator","severity":"error","timestamp":"2023-06-06T06:17:06.512+00:00","version":"1.2.0"}*
*{"extra_data":{"curator":{"function":"get_client","linenum":1072,"name":"curator.utils"}},"message":"Curator cannot proceed. Exiting.","metadata":{"container_name":"curator","namespace":"zmanrao","pod_name":"eric-data-search-engine-curator-28100537-6slmg"},"service_id":"eric-data-search-engine-curator","severity":"critical","timestamp":"2023-06-06T06:17:06.512+00:00","version":"1.2.0"}*

Can some one please explain this behavior?

Thank you

OpenSearch/OpenDistro are AWS run products and differ from the original Elasticsearch and Kibana products that Elastic builds and maintains. You may need to contact them directly for further assistance.

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That is something you need to ask the Opensearch community about.

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