I have query on some of the curator actions, ex: 'Close' action. Would like to know what is the use of it . Not sure if this is the right place to ask about curator, i couldn't find any curator specific forum.
The Curator documentation does cover the close action.
In a nutshell, closing an index removes it from the cluster state, and makes it unavailable for searching and analytics, but preserves the data files on the disk. A closed index can then be opened at a later date, after which it is added back to the cluster state, and will be available for searching and analytics. This is why a closed index saves memory and CPU—it is only occupying disk space.
Sure! They are in the examples. The close example is here. Do read the commented section carefully as it provides some instruction regarding the disable_action setting.
I did take a look at the examples and I feel it would have been better to add some more detail on what each action does. For ex, the description for allocation action says - apply shard allocation routing to 'require' 'tag=cold' for hot/cold node setup for logstash- indices older than 3 days, based on index_creation date, while i did not find anything on what hot/cold node setup is.
And yes, i have taken a look at disable_action setting and have also executed delete action.
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