Custom analyzer with standard tokenizer is splitting long tokens instead of discarding

I have a custom mapping that seems like it should be discarding the text, based on the documentation here: :

The maximum token length. If a token is seen that exceeds this length then it is discarded. Defaults to 255.

Here's a sample request to the _analyze method:

POST http://localhost:9200/_analyze
    "tokenizer": "standard",
    "filters": ["standard", "lowercase"],
    "text": "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"

This shows that the text actually gets split, however the documentation of the standard tokenizer indicates it should be discarded. It seems like it's doing what the standard analyzer indicates it does with large tokens :

The maximum token length. If a token is seen that exceeds this length then it is split at max_token_length intervals. Defaults to 255.

Hi @mikeb7986

You are right. Thanks for reporting!
We updated the document right now. see

The behaviour of the max_token_length changed in ES 1.4 .

FYI : If we have an index created before ES 1.4 on ES 1.5+, then an old segment still have the behavior.

Well that makes more sense, @johtani is there a way to replicate the older functionality with the current version, some combination of filters perhaps?

I see that I can specify an older version of Lucene on the tokenizer/analyzer, but I wonder what other ramifications that has? Really what we want is to discard really large tokens. Any suggestions? Thanks!

You can use limit token filter.

See :

Example :

POST http://localhost:9200/_analyze
    "tokenizer": "standard",
    "filters": ["limit", "lowercase"],
    "text": "JTNDZGl2JTIwY2xhc3MlM0QlMjJ3cGJfdmlkZW9fd2lkZ2V0JTIwd3BiX2NvbnRlbnRfZWxlbWVudCUyMiUzRSUwQSUzQ2RpdiUyMGNsYXNzJTNEJTIyd3BiX3dyYXBwZXIlMjIlM0UlM0NkaXYlMjBjbGFzcyUzRCUyMndwYl92aWRlb193cmFwcGVyJTIyJTNFJTNDaWZyYW1lJTIwd2lkdGglM0QlMjI2MjUlMjIlMjBoZWlnaHQlM0QlMjIzNTIlMjIlMjBzcmMlM0QlMjJodHRwJTNBJTJGJTJGd3d3LnlvdXR1YmUuY29tJTJGZW1iZWQlMkZ4Nld6eVVnYlQ1QSUzRmZlYXR1cmUlM0RvZW1iZWQlMjIlMjBmcmFtZWJvcmRlciUzRCUyMjAlMjIlMjBhbGxvd2Z1bGxzY3JlZW4lM0UlM0MlMkZpZnJhbWUlM0UlM0MlMkZkaXYlM0UlMEElM0MlMkZkaXYlM0UlMjAlM0MlMkZkaXYlM0U"