Dashboard to monitor my clusters

Hi guys,

This time, I have no issues to submit to you :smile:

I have a classic ELK architecture, i mean :
filebeat, metricbeat => kafka <=> logstash => elasticsearch.

I was wondering what would be the best informations to have in my kibana dashboards to monitor my different clusters in order to analyze, diagnose and quickly locate possible issues.

As always, thank you for your recommendations and suggestions.

BR, Khaled

What do you mean by "clusters" here? Are you talking about your Elasticsearch cluster or something different?

Hi Jsanz,
Yep, i'm talking about an elasticsearch cluster sorry !

This is more an Elasticsearch question than actually for Kibana but you can start from this documentation entry point.


i already know how to collect metrics for each element of the ELK stack.
My question (or rather my survey) is about what kind of metrics do you use in your dashboard.
For rexample is it relevant to have the count of logstash events in and events out (i guess yes) ?
What are the "must have" metrics, the most important metrics to have in a dashboard.


Have you checked the integration dashboards that the different beats install? If you haven't already, there are dedicated dashboards for Elasticsearch monitoring that you could check as a starting point.

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Cool, never seen that !
How do you use it ?
Copy/paste the json and import it in the saved objects ?

I'm afraid I can't help you further sorry. I tried to convert those assets into an ndjson object but it only works for the index patterns. For the dashboards there's an error that tells me those JSON definitions are further processed before sending them to Kibana :disappointed:

I suggest you post a new topic in the beats forum to get more details on the assets the elasticsearch module generates from metricbeat and filebeat

Effectively, i have the same error. that's why I asked you how to do.
Yhanks a lot Jsanz for your help and availability.
Have a good day
