Data not rendering in Canvas


I am trying to create a scatter plot from an index (created with a transform). The data is available at the datasource preview of the query but it doesn't show up in the chart.

Running the chart in debug mode gives an empty data array.

Could you help? I had a similar problem when I tried to create a scatter from this data with Vega

Thank you

As you source index is already created using elasticsearch tranform and all value are already aggregated, you need just to show values at canevas level, i will suppose that you query is a sample SQL like : select * from "index_name"

Right. That's exactly what I am doing

What particular issue you have ?

The chart is not rendering any points. But the data preview of the ESSQL Query is showing the values. When rendered as debug, data array is empty

Can you share a scrennshot of the query

Screenshot from 2020-12-30 11-48-16

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