Date histogram does not work properly with unique count value


I am using ELK 7.3 bar chart in kibana and did create unique count chart of value with date histogram but the when I use interval of monthly basis it skips one record in few months ,
Any idea guys how to resolve it


Hey, can you show an example of this behavior?

  • Which documents do have in your index?
  • How is your chart configured exactly?
  • What are you expecting vs what is showed?

use interval of monthly basis it skips one record in few months

You mean you know the unique count of ips should be one higher?

above is date histogram

I see, thanks. The unique count aggregation of Elasticsearch isn't always 100% accurate, trading precision for performance (see

You should be able to control this trade-off by using the "Advanced > JSON input" setting:

{ "precision_threshold": 4000 }

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