Hey Everyone,
I am trying to index some statistics into my self-hosted elastic stack. I am using the python API to index the document which has a very simple mapping that is dynamically mapped from a dictionary in python. An example is below
data = {
"Date": "01/05/2022"
"data1": 7
"data2": 5
"data3": [1,2,3]
I have run this command to set Elastic to look for the same date mapping when indexing:
PUT index1
"mappings": {
"dynamic_date_formats": ["MM/dd/yyyy"]
however, when I index the example document from above, the date field is input as the date previous at 19:00 so it would be:
Jan 4, 2022 @ 19:00:00.000
Is there a way to make sure the date is input correctly?
I am using Elastic V7.16