Date rage query

I am trying to execute query on elastic search which should give me results within perticuler date range. Mapping is as follows.

      "customertransaction" : {
        "mappings" : {
          "doc" : {
            "properties" : {
              "DTCREATED" : {
                "type" : "date",
                "format" : "dateOptionalTime"
                "STATUS" : {
                "type" : "string"

I have written following query for it

SearchRequest requestQuery =
	+ "\"_source\" : "
	+ "[\"DTCREATED\", \"STATUS\"]"
	+ ",\"aggs\": "
	+ "{\"group_by_STATUS\": {\"terms\": {\"field\": \"STATUS\"},"
	+ "\"aggs\" : "
	+ "{\"group_by_DATE\" : {\"date_histogram\" : "
	+ "{\"field\" : \"DTCREATED\", \"interval\" : \"day\","
	+ "\"format\" : \"yyyy-MM-dd\" },"
	+ "\"aggs\" : "
	+ "{\"grades_count\" : { \"value_count\" : { \"field\" : \"STATUS\" } }}}}}}}");

DTCREATED field contains both date and time. I expect status count daily for from date and to date range. How can I add date range filter in this query.

Without looking at the query in detail: This looks like you are trying to directly implement the Query through the Java API. What I personally find a better route when searching the right query syntax is to go and use the Elasticsearch REST API first, e.g. through Sense/Console in Kibana and only move to Java after that. That way you'll be able to iterate much faster.

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