Elasticsearch date range query using java api

I am using elasticsearch 1.5.2 and written query to get status count for last x days.

SearchRequest requestQuery =
 + "\"_source\" : "
 + "[\"DTCREATED\", \"STATUS\"]"
 +", \"query\": {"
 +" \"filtered\": {"
 +" \"filter\": {"
 + "\"range\": { \"DTCREATED\": { \"gte\": \"now-30d/d\" }}"
 + ",\"aggs\": "
 + "{\"group_by_STATUS\": {\"terms\": {\"field\": \"STATUS\"},"
 + "\"aggs\" : "
 + "{\"group_by_DATE\" : {\"date_histogram\" : "
 + "{\"field\" : \"DTCREATED\", \"interval\" : \"day\","
 + "\"format\" : \"yyyy-MM-dd\" },"
 + "\"aggs\" : "
 + "{\"grades_count\" : { \"value_count\" : { \"field\" : \"STATUS\" } }}}}}}}");

Now I want to use date range like data should be fetched within x to y date. How can I change above query to get expected result. DTCREATED field contains both date and time.

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