[DEBUG][o.e.a.s.TransportSearchAction] [myhost] All shards failed for phase: [query]

Sure, thank you.
Some of the indices are in yellow, how do i make them green?

health status index              uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
yellow open   ngqc-history-index Q80_I4I9S1qbeEChAyV4_g   5   1     722112            0    532.2mb        532.2mb
yellow open   my_index           KAxN37zLQny7FTFOosKKUg   5   1    1387699            0      2.8gb          2.8gb
yellow open   logs               dTrlYJXoTSCYNAxxUWPwrQ   5   1        466            0      1.8mb          1.8mb
yellow open   my_index_6_2_4     WwEM_fEPSxKvnolwhl_5ew   5   1     269004            0    491.7mb        491.7mb
green  open   .kibana            yURxJ6PXTpqzboQuedvNcQ   1   0         26            3       67kb           67kb
yellow open   my_index1          XTp8lg1cRHCdXXIsbjH7fA   5   1          0            0      1.2kb          1.2kb
yellow open   jmeter_index       8gSZL4UdQAaw9PjefwQCxQ   5   1      15595            0      3.5mb          3.5mb

As I said previously:

As you have only one node, don't set number of replicas to 1 as they will never be allocated.

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