Sure, thank you.
Some of the indices are in yellow, how do i make them green?
health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
yellow open ngqc-history-index Q80_I4I9S1qbeEChAyV4_g 5 1 722112 0 532.2mb 532.2mb
yellow open my_index KAxN37zLQny7FTFOosKKUg 5 1 1387699 0 2.8gb 2.8gb
yellow open logs dTrlYJXoTSCYNAxxUWPwrQ 5 1 466 0 1.8mb 1.8mb
yellow open my_index_6_2_4 WwEM_fEPSxKvnolwhl_5ew 5 1 269004 0 491.7mb 491.7mb
green open .kibana yURxJ6PXTpqzboQuedvNcQ 1 0 26 3 67kb 67kb
yellow open my_index1 XTp8lg1cRHCdXXIsbjH7fA 5 1 0 0 1.2kb 1.2kb
yellow open jmeter_index 8gSZL4UdQAaw9PjefwQCxQ 5 1 15595 0 3.5mb 3.5mb