Define custom ID to a document with saveJsonToES()

I am trying to write a collection of objects in Elasticsearch from Spark. I have to meet two requirements:

  1. Document is already serialized in JSON and should be written as is
  2. Elasticsearch document _id should be provided

Here's what I tried so far.


I tried to use saveJsonToEs() like this (the serialized document contains field _id with desired Elasticsearch ID):

val rdd: RDD[String] ={ r => r.toJson() }

val cfg = Map(
  ("es.resource", "myindex/mytype"),
  ("", "_id"),
  ("es.mapping.exclude", "_id")

EsSpark.saveJsonToEs(rdd, cfg)

But the elasticsearch-hadoop library gives this exception:

Caused by: org.elasticsearch.hadoop.EsHadoopIllegalArgumentException: When writing data as JSON, the field exclusion feature is ignored. This is most likely not what the user intended. Bailing out...
	at org.elasticsearch.hadoop.util.Assert.isTrue(

When I remove and es.mapping.exclude from the configuration, it works but the document id is generated by Elasticsearch (which violates requirement 2):

val rdd: RDD[String] ={ r => r.toJson() }

val cfg = Map(
  ("es.resource", "myindex/mytype"),

EsSpark.saveJsonToEs(rdd, cfg)


There is another function to provide _id and other metadata for inserting: saveToEsWithMeta() that allows to solve requirement 2 but fails with requirement 1.

val rdd: RDD[(String, String)] ={
  r => r._id -> r.toJson()

val cfg = Map(
  ("es.resource", "myindex/mytype"),

EsSpark.saveToEsWithMeta(rdd, cfg)

In fact, Elasticsearch is not even able to parse what the elasticsearch-hadoop sends:

Caused by: org.apache.spark.util.TaskCompletionListenerException: Found unrecoverable error [<es_host>:9200] returned Bad Request(400) - failed to parse; Bailing out..
	at org.apache.spark.TaskContextImpl.markTaskCompleted(TaskContextImpl.scala:105)

The question

Is it possible to write a collection of (documentID, serializedDocument) from Spark into Elasticsearch (using elasticsearch-hadoop)?


P.S. I am using Elasticsearch 5.6.3 and Spark 2.1.1.

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