I have an ELK cluster with a fleetServer and some elasticAgents. As for now, I've added 2 prometheus integration to scrape the metrics from 2 different applications:
- The namespace of both prometheus package_polices is: XXX
- The data_stream.dataset for the prometheus package_policy that scrapes the metrics for the application A is "prometheus.collector.appa"
- The data_stream.dataset for the prometheus package_policy that scrapes the metrics for the application B is "prometheus.collector.appb"
I can see the metrics in the following data streams:
- metrics-prometheus.collector.appa
- metrics-prometheus.collector.appb
The question is: I need to have a different ILM policy for appa and appb (the default metrics policy is not good for us). How can I define those ilm policies and assign it to the 2 different datastreams?
I tried this: Tutorial: Customize built-in ILM policies | Elasticsearch Guide [8.15] | Elastic but it dind't help (unless I did something wrong)
Thank you