Delete a Kibana index from CLI

Hi there,

I've tried to create an Index Pattern in Kibana to match an Elasticsearch index, but after trying no data displays even through Elasticsearch reports 32k+ documents. When trying to view the index in Kibana, I receive the following message:

Failed to fetch
TypeError: Failed to fetch

I can click on other Indicies in the Kibana Index pattern via the Management UI but when clicking on this one (filebeat-) nothing displays. Further, I am unable to delete the index via the GUI.

Is there a command to delete the index via the CLI and attempt to re-create?

This is on Kibana 6.5

Thank you!

From Console you should be able to do the following:

DELETE index-name

Or from the command line you should be able to do the following:

curl -XDELETE http://localhost:9200/index-name

Thanks! I am able to delete the individual index via Elasticsearch, but the pattern remains in Kibana. After deleting the index via Elasticsearch, it is re-created as expected with the new document records.

I can create a new Kibana index pattern to match filebeat* (instead of filebeat-*) but still receive the error message "TypeError: Failed to fetch" and Kibana hangs at Creating Index.

Clicking in either filebeat-* or filebeat* via the Kibana index pattern page results in the page hanging. I do, however, have the index ID string. Can that be deleted from Kibana in some way since the GUI is unresponsive for these patterns?

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