Deleted indice from Kibana console mistakenly

Hi Team,
I have ELK on single server.
I deleted the my filebeat-6xxx indice from the kibana console mistaken.
Now i am unable to create the index on kibana with name filebeat-*
I am getting the warning message " The index pattern you've entered doesn't match any indices. You can match any of your 13 indices , below."
due to the unavailability of that filebeat-* index i am graphs visualization is now showing on the dashbard. I am gettig error "there is no index filebeat-* please crate the index"

I need your help to crate the indice first so i can create the index "filebeat-*" to see my filebeats graphs.

Please find the attached screen for the reference.


Can you try running filebeat setup --dashboards from one of your hosts that has Filebeat installed on it? Then come back to the Kibana > Management > Index Patterns UI and check if the filebeat-* index pattern has shown up.

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