Deleting Logs

I have deleted many logs before, but for some reason now the logs aren't getting deleted.
I am using the following command:

PowerShell.exe Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete http://IP:9200/logstash-*

but for some reason its not working.
I am doing this because I need memory. I already cleaned my /dev/sda1 and allocated memory to it:

so clearly I have space
This is how it looks on kibana:


Any clues?

Edit#1: I used this command instead:

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'http://IP:9200/users/' -Method Delete

And it didn't work, but then I decided to delete .monitoring and that seemed to work. it is all cleared now

Were you getting any response from ES from that request that failed? It usually offers some clues why it didn't work.

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