Hello everyone I have a hard time designing my documents. I do not know if I need to create multiple indexes, use nested fieds or index multiple times my documents with a field with a "versionning filter". Below my analogus use case with only one score, in practice I have like 20 scores.
I would like to display roads on a Map. Let's say these roads have a maxSpeed, length and a width properties. I would like to compute a "dangerScore" based on these values AND some input score array for each of them. The dangerScore then would be used to apply a color gradiant on roads. The user can configure the input score array for each of these properties. For example :
- speed < 30 : 0
- speed [30, 50[ : 5
- speed [50, 80] : 10
dangerScore = max_speed_score + length_score + width_score
Shoud I index each dangeScore for each configuration in the same document ?
_id : 0,
maxSpeed : 50,
dangerScore_config_0 : 10,
dangerScore_config_1 : 20,
Or should I create versionof my documents per config like
_id : 0,
id : 0,
maxSpeed : 50,
config : 0,
dangerScore 10,
_id : 1,
id : 0,
maxSpeed : 50,
config : 1,
dangerScore 20,
Or shoud I create an Index for each configuration like ?
_id : 0,
maxSpeed : 50,
dangerScore : 10
_id : 0,
maxSpeed : 50,
dangerScore : 20
Or should I have a nested field like ?
_id : 0
maxSpeed : 50
config_0 : {
dangerScore : 10
config_1 : {
dangerScore : 20
Any suggestion ?
Thanks =)