I am currently doing the DGA integration but I can't install elastic Defender, I have read that it can be done with packetbeat, can you help me how to do it, according to this DGA documentation I have done up to step 5 but from here on I don't know what to do,
can you help me what I have to do, or if you have documentation of what are the next steps to do it with packetbeat.
Be sure to change {DGA_VERSION} to the version of the Domain Generation Algorithm Detection integration you are using.
Then navigate to Stack Management > Data > Index Management > Index Templates. Find the index template packetbeat-{PACKETBEAT_VERSION} for the Packetbeat version that you are using and click Edit. Then click on Component templates. Add the packetbeat-dga-{DGA_VERSION} component template that was created in the previous step. Click Review template then Save template.
Finally, roll over that index in Dev Tools:
POST packetbeat-{PACKETBEAT_VERSION}/_rollover
You should now see the mapped fields under ml_is_dga and new predictions being generated.
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