Differences between the logstash and metricbeat cloudwatch metrics collection

Hi There,

It appears that Elastic now has two supported methods of getting Cloudwatch Metrics into ES, Metricbeat and Logstash.

Does the new v7 Metricbeat implementation now supersede the Logstash one? I'm about to implement some Cloudwatch ingest into my ES setup and want to make sure I'm using the best (most reliable, mature and feature rich) implementation.

Many thanks,
Nick George

To answer my own question, it appears that the Metricbeat implementation will figure out all the timestamps for you, ensuring the Metric event timestamps line up with the event timestamps in ES. The Logstash implementation does not appear to do this for you, meaning it is difficult to produce any meaningful visualisations based on its output.

Furthermore, the Metricbeat implementation ships with dashboard(s), unlike the Logstash one.

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