Different content for _source and what gets indexed. Possible?

Say, I have a document that I want to be in _source as-is but I want to index only its abridged version.

How can I do that?

I'm using connection.bulk_data.write() presently but can switch to using connection.index() or any other API that allows that.


es_learner wrote:

Say, I have a document that I want to be in _source as-is but I
want to index only its abridged version.

How can I do that?

You'll need to supply a custom mapping when you create your index
that turns off indexing of fields you wish to omit.

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The content of _source is exactly the JSON data was received by ES. It
isnt changed in anyway. To change what is indexed, as Drew stated, you
need to define a mapping for your content which can include different
analysis components to change what is indexed.

On Friday, October 12, 2012 7:49:15 AM UTC+13, es_learner wrote:

Say, I have a document that I want to be in _source as-is but I want to
only its abridged version.

How can I do that?

I'm using connection.bulk_data.write() presently but can switch to using
connection.index() or any other API that allows that.


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Thanks, Drew.

That did it. FWIW mapping for field was index='no'