I have a csv with line like following
"Broker Name","Flow Name","Record Start Date","Record Start Time","Record GMT Start Timestamp","Record End Date","Record End Time","Record GMT End Timestamp","Average CPU Time","Total Number of Input Messages"
"DEV1","SAPServiceFlow","2017-02-27","00:55:32.844021","2017-02-27 06:55:32.8440","2017-02-27","01:46:8.425477","2017-02-27 07:46:8.42547","137110","3035303751"
I am using my logstash conf file to get the output. But i am having issues with the timestamp between logstash output and displaying the same in kibana.
Here's the date part of the code from my logstash conf.
add_field => {
"timestamp" => "%{Record End Date} %{Record End Time}"}
remove_field => ["Record End Date"]
remove_field => ["Record End Time"]
match => [ "timestamp" , "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS" , "ISO8601" ]
timezone => "Etc/UTC"
remove_field => [ "timestamp" ]
Now, when i run the logstash conf file, i get the timestamp in the output in Central Standard Time, which is what the Record End Date and Record End Time indicate.
Here's part of my output reflecting timestamp.
"@timestamp" => 2017-02-27T01:46:8.425Z
However, when i feed this same output to kibana, the timestamp is off. basically it's picking the GMT time. This is messing up with my filter searches in kibana.
What's wrong with my conf file that I get the desired output from logstash but the same output messes up in kibana?