Hi @thomasneirynck,
Thanks for the reply. Here is the graph configuration.
Here is the response from Elasticsearch:
"took": 34,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 60112,
"max_score": 0,
"hits": []
"aggregations": {
"2": {
"doc_count_error_upper_bound": -1,
"sum_other_doc_count": 59888,
"buckets": [
"1": {
"value": 1
"key": "KeyPadding-08/31/2017 15:49:30.846-000000000",
"doc_count": 31
"1": {
"value": 1
"key": "KeyPadding-08/31/2017 15:49:30.846-000000001",
"doc_count": 30
"1": {
"value": 1
"key": "KeyPadding-08/31/2017 15:49:30.846-000000002",
"doc_count": 30
"1": {
"value": 1
"key": "KeyPadding-08/31/2017 15:49:30.846-000000003",
"doc_count": 23
"1": {
"value": 1
"key": "KeyPadding-08/31/2017 15:49:30.846-000000004",
"doc_count": 22
"1": {
"value": 1
"key": "KeyPadding-08/31/2017 15:49:30.846-000000005",
"doc_count": 30
"1": {
"value": 1
"key": "KeyPadding-08/31/2017 15:49:30.846-000000006",
"doc_count": 20
"1": {
"value": 1
"key": "KeyPadding-08/31/2017 15:49:30.846-000000007",
"doc_count": 9
"1": {
"value": 1
"key": "KeyPadding-08/31/2017 15:49:30.846-000000008",
"doc_count": 19
"1": {
"value": 1
"key": "KeyPadding-08/31/2017 15:49:30.846-000000009",
"doc_count": 10
"status": 200
Here it is if I only display the last key in the above by filtering, key "KeyPadding-08/31/2017 15:49:30.846-000000009."
Above, the value is 1, while here the value is 0.9375. Could the issue be this ""doc_count_error_upper_bound": -1,"? It's -1 above and 0 below. I guess I had a lot more keys than I had estimated.
"took": 17,
"timed_out": false,
"_shards": {
"total": 5,
"successful": 5,
"failed": 0
"hits": {
"total": 29,
"max_score": 0,
"hits": []
"aggregations": {
"2": {
"doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
"sum_other_doc_count": 0,
"buckets": [
"1": {
"value": 0.9375
"key": "KeyPadding-08/31/2017 15:49:30.846-000000009",
"doc_count": 29
"status": 200