Compare fields and report

example data

 "timestamp": "2023-01-04T14:00:00.00Z",
 "url": "http://localhost/test",
 "trace_id": "asdasdasd"

 "timestamp": "2023-01-04T14:01:00.000Z",
 "url": "http://localhost/test",
 "trace_id": "asdasdasd"

I want to compare two data and see to table like this

url                    |     trace_id     |  response time
http://localhost/test  |     asdasdasd    |    60 second

How can I report like this ?

Hi Erdam,

I presume http://localhost/test might have more than two entries in your logs. Are you only looking to get the response time from the latest two entries?


I want to take first and last entry. because I need to see response time.

HI Erdem.

There is currently no out-of-the-box way to do this in Kibana or Elasticsearch. There is a history of discussions on this, especially in this thread.

I would recommend finding a way to calculate the elapsed time at ingest. The Logstash Elapsed filter plugin is a good example of this.

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thank you for interest me

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