Hi -
I have slightly modified the percolator challenge to something like this:
"parallel": {
"tasks": [
"operation": "percolator_with_content_president_bush",
"clients": 100,
"warmup-iterations": 100,
"iterations": 100,
"target-throughput": 10000
At first I run rally through a load balancer with this command:
$ esrally --track-path=percolator/ --report-format=csv --report-file=reports/race.csv --target-hosts=internal-someelb.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com:9200 --pipeline=benchmark-only
There are about 12-48 data nodes to a load balancer, but when monitoring the data nodes, I noticed only 1 maybe 2 actually receiving requests from rally. Is this normal? At first I thought maybe my load balancer wasn't configured correctly. Then I decided to by-pass the lb by explicitly listing out each data node in the target-hosts flag. Surprisingly, I received the same result, only 1 or 2 data nodes receive the requests.
Is there a way to configure rally to distribute the requests evenly over all the target hosts or all the nodes via a lb?