Doc Values in Boolean Field


We are having some issues with setting doc value to true on boolean fields, the Elastic documentation says it can be used in the section relating to doc values however the field data section of the manual does not mention Doc values under the boolean type. Could someone please clarify the expected behaviour.

Many Thanks


Did you find a resolution to this? I'm having a similar problem in ES 1.5.2. I'm wondering if perhaps boolean fields are not truly supported, as I have a handful of boolean fields out of nearly 100 fields, and all of my booleans (no others) are reporting this issue. We set doc values to true on boolean fields, but I'm seeing this message in the log:

field [TC] has no doc values, will use default field data format

mapping for TC:
"TC" : { "type" : "boolean", "index" : "not_analyzed", "doc_values": true }