[Docker] Logstash not sending any data to elasticsearch

Hello, while reading and setting up logstash I got the following result.

Filebeats sends data to logstash (port 5044), logstash logging is set to trace so I see that the data comes.
Then I get output for stdout { codec => rubydebug } with my data, but nothing about Elasticsearch

logstash_1             | [2019-05-25T18:04:25,352][DEBUG][logstash.outputs.stdout  ] config LogStash::Outputs::Stdout/@codec = <LogStash::Codecs::RubyDebug id=>"rubydebug_6aacde0c-3bb2-4174-8904-0f1cb4b352de", enable_metric=>true, metadata=>false>
logstash_1             | [2019-05-25T18:04:25,352][DEBUG][logstash.outputs.stdout  ] config LogStash::Outputs::Stdout/@id = "f63963c4d9e18ffe255df09283327cb8c8ec2227ef06210795cb1d33b944a132"
logstash_1             | [2019-05-25T18:04:25,353][DEBUG][logstash.outputs.stdout  ] config LogStash::Outputs::Stdout/@enable_metric = true
logstash_1             | [2019-05-25T18:04:25,353][DEBUG][logstash.outputs.stdout  ] config LogStash::Outputs::Stdout/@workers = 1

this is my log, it clearly inits outputs.stdout yet for elasticsearch, there is nothing.

Here is my logstash.conf file

input {
  heartbeat {
    interval => 5
    message  => 'Hello from Logstash 💓'
  beats {
	port => 5044

output {
  elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["elasticsearch:9200"]
  stdout {
	codec => rubydebug 

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