[DOCS] Monitoring


I'm new here, trying to understand the monitoring setup on a basic up to date 8.4.1 self-hosted elk stack.

Continuing the discussion from No need to set `xpack.monitoring.collection.enabled` to true when using metricbeat-based stack monitoring?:

Previously referenced alert issue has been closed but configuring metricbeat is still advising to set values for deprecated parameters xpack.monitoring.collection.enabled to true at first and xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.collection.enabled to false at last.

This pull request aims to remove this specific instruction from the documentation, but it is still opened.

Meanwhile, can you please clarify if there any effect of setting any value to xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.collection and xpack.monitoring.collection ? If yes which ones ? Which values are defaults in 8.4? Why ?

On the same idea, in config monitoring indices, we see information about .monitoring-{product}-7-* which is confusing when running 8 version, especially that there is no information about the template .monitoring-es-mb and pattern .monitoring-{product}-8-* which by my understanding should be the one in use. It could be nive to have some clarification on which collector is feeding which index.

Also, collecting monitoring data says that this is deprecated and we should go to configuring metricbeat which leads us back to collecting monitoring data for explanations:

" For more information, see Monitoring settings and ..."

Overall, reading 8.4 monitor elasticsearch cluster as 8.4 user leads to more question than answers.

In conclusion, can we push for a global review of the cluster monitoring documentation for version >8?

Thanks for support.


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