Document level security issue with elastic and shield 2.3.2

Hello everybody,

I'm not getting document level security to work. It does not seem to have any effect. My config in roles.yml:

privileges: read
query: '{"match":{"_type":"lmsappPerfLog"}}'

curl -GET -u monitoring:monitoring 'https://localhost:9210/lmsapp-2016.06.07/lmsappLoginLog/AVUp7fQjrLqamWsblN-y?pretty'
curl -GET -u monitoring:monitoring 'https://localhost:9210/lmsapp-2016.06.07/lmsappLoginLog/AVUp7fQjrLqamWsblN-y?pretty'

both return results. According to Problem with document level security i also enabled shield.dls_fls.enabled: true

The user monitoring is in the according group "user".

Any ideas? Thanks.

What type of license do you have? You can check by executing a GET /_license request