New index is being created in elasticsearch, but there is no document inside the index. My log file is like:
May 24 10:20:15 User1 CREATE "Create a new folder"
May 24 10:20:15 User2 CREATE "Create a new folder"
So i assume there should be 2 documents inside index having properties timestamp user action action_description like is defined in grok first with 'User1' and second with 'User2'.
Question 1) Why index is empty?
In logstash console logstash logs:
"timestamp" => "May 24 10:20:15",
"host" => "DVIG1673",
"user" => "User2",
"@version" => "1",
"message" => "May 24 10:20:15 User1 CREATE "Create a new folder"\r",
"path" => "C:\Users\pawnow\logstash\logstash_input.log",
"action_description" => ""Create a new folder"",
"tags" => [
[0] "_dateparsefailure"
"action_performed" => "CREATE",
"@timestamp" => 2018-06-25T13:09:02.288Z
Question 2) Where is the log for 'User 2'
Question 3) Every time I start logstash I have to delete .sincedb to get it working
Question 1
You are right. After additional search I can see that my index is not empty, but...
After indexing I tried to get document with 'GET /index_name/type_name/1?pretty' command which was incorrect, but why?
Using URL 'http://localhost:9200/cu_users/_search?pretty=true&q=:' I can see all indexed documents, so what is command to get single document.
Question 2
I still have a problem. Terminal log is:
"action_performed" => "CREATE",
"user" => "User1",
"path" => "C:\Users\pawnow\logstash\mysample-input.log",
"@timestamp" => 2018-06-26T10:56:06.470Z,
"@version" => "1",
"action_description" => ""Create a new folder"",
"host" => "DVIG1673",
"tags" => [
[0] "_dateparsefailure"
"timestamp" => "May 01 01:01:01",
"message" => "May 01 01:01:01 User1 CREATE "Create a new folder"\r"
"action_performed" => "OPEN",
"user" => "User2",
"path" => "C:\Users\pawnow\logstash\mysample-input.log",
"@timestamp" => 2018-06-26T10:56:06.497Z,
"@version" => "1",
"action_description" => ""Open a new folder"",
"host" => "DVIG1673",
"tags" => [
[0] "_dateparsefailure"
"timestamp" => "January 02 02:02:02",
"message" => "January 02 02:02:02 User2 OPEN "Open a new folder"\r"
But file is:
May 01 01:01:01 User1 CREATE "Create a new folder"
January 02 02:02:02 User2 OPEN "Open a new folder"
December 03 03:03:03 User3 SHUTDOWN "Shutdown a comupter"
Question 3
That's make sense. Thanks for explanation
After indexing I tried to get document with 'GET /index_name/type_name/1?pretty' command which was incorrect, but why?
You apparently don't have a document with id "1". They're not numbered sequentially. The search output tells you the id of each document.
But file is:
May 01 01:01:01 User1 CREATE "Create a new folder"
January 02 02:02:02 User2 OPEN "Open a new folder"
December 03 03:03:03 User3 SHUTDOWN "Shutdown a comupter"
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